1. high sheriff of calhoun parrish
  2. undercover agent for the blues
  3. steamy windows
  4. rainy night in georgia
  5. polk salad annie
  6. they caught the devil and put him down in jail in eudora, arkansas
    Bonus :
  7. cool town woman
  8. steamy windows
  9. boom boom
  10. roosevelt and ira lee (Night of the mossacin)
  11. i want you
  12. groupy girl
  13. stud spider
  14. polk salad annie
  15. save your sugar for me

Label : no label

Time : 72:04

Venue : Grosse Freiheit, Hamburg, Germany

Date : February 9, 1992

Quality : FM from soundboard recording (A+)

Comments : Tony Joe White live at the Grosse Freiheit in Hamburg, Germany with filler tracks (7-8) from a radio session in The Netherlands and the complete set at the Isle of Wight Festival, August 28th 1970. Excellent sound quality.