Disc One (44:13)
Disc Two (43:57)
Label : Virtuoso Venue : City Hall, Newcastle, UK Recording Date : October 28, 1974 Quality : Soundboard Recording (A+) Review (GigInJapan) : A legendary soundboard album that has been touted as “True Viva!” It is a release decision with a press 2CD that permanently preserves the supreme sound with a higher degree of perfection. “October 28, 1974 Newcastle performance” is engraved on this work. It is the stereo soundboard recording. In 1974, there was a switch between the “Stranded Tour” and the “Country Life Tour”, and depending on the time, John Wetton also participated. This is 1974/1975 Roxy Music. Wetton participated in the tour after completing “Country Life”. The Newcastle performance of this work was the final day of “British # 1” which is the beginning of it. This show is also known for being adopted in “Viva!”, The official traditional board was also an edited board produced from multiple performances. While being widely adopted from “STRANDED Tour” to “SIREN Tour”, “1974 Newcastle” is the most popular with 5 songs. Moreover, not only the number of songs but also the long takes such as “The Bogus Man”, “If There Is Something”, and “In Every Dream Home A Heartache” were all Newcastle performances, and it was a magnificent main venue both in name and reality. And this is the complete soundboard of such a historical show. Although it is an FM sound board known from guns, etc., it is a branded product made into a CD from its best master. In fact, the sound is as good as the traditional “Viva!” Moreover, this work is also the highest peak board refined with meticulous mastering. Of course, meaningless sound pressure is not earned. Some of the currently known masters have a rough finish, duplicating MC, and skipping at track points. This work properly treats such roughness, and also implements fine noise processing and pitch / phase correction. Without distorting the truth of the original sound, we pursued perfection as a musical work. The full show, also known as the “complete version of Viva!”, is depicted in such a perfect official quality.A complete recording of over 88 minutes in total length cannot be compared with “Viva!”, which was a single album of about 46 minutes. It is exactly the “complete version” and it is a full live album that should be called the “true figure”. Furthermore, it is not the same for the five songs included in “Viva!”. Especially Eddie Jobson’s violin is easy to understand, the solo is replaced in “Out Of The Blue”, and the violin part of “If There Is Something” can also be confirmed. In the first place, “Viva!” itself is also a processed work that has undergone overdubbing and editing, but in fact, the Newcastle performance was also a two-day performance on “October 27th / 28th”. It seems that no conclusion has been reached yet, but the official “Viva!” also suggests the possibility that some takes will be on the first day (this work is on the second day). At any rate, there is no doubt that this work is “a more realistic and complete Viva!” A complete sound board album that boasts more value than official masterpieces and robberies, its highest quality board. Please fully enjoy the press 2CD that permanently preserves the brilliance and weight of cultural heritage. |