Disc One (59:46)

  1. What's The Frequency Kenneth?
  2. Crush With Eyeliner
  3. Drive
  4. Turn You Inside Out
  5. Try Not To Breathe
  6. I Took Your Name
  7. Undertow
  8. Bang And Blame
  9. I Dont Sleep, I Dream
  10. Strange Currencies
  11. Revolution
  12. Tongue
  13. Man On The Moon

Disc Two (53:35)

  1. Country Feedback
  2. Half A World Away
  3. Losing My Religion
  4. Pop Song '89
  5. Finest Worksong
  6. Get Up
  7. Star 69
  8. Let Me In
  9. Everybody Hurts
  10. Fall On Me
  11. Departure
  12. It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Label : KTS

Venue : The National Bowl, Milton Keynes, London, UK

Recording Date : July 30, 1995

Quality : FM recording (A+)

Review : Nice bootleg of R.E.M.'s famous concert at Milton Keynes in 1995.