1. Bruton Town
  2. The Time Has Come
  3. Sally Free and Easy
  4. First Light
  5. Baron of Brackley
  6. When I Was In My Prime
  7. Chasing Love
  8. If I Had a Lover
  9. Come Back Baby
  10. Sovay

Label : no label

Time : 47:51

Venue : Lone Star Roadhouse, New York City, New York, USA

Date : April 14, 1992

Quality : Soundboard recording (A+)

Review : This excellent recording and the absolutely gorgeous artwork are acting as a piece of revisionist history! The trio played under their own names (Jacqui McShee/John Renbourn/Bert Jansch) and not under the name of Pentangle - who existed in another format in 1992 (including Jacqui and Bert but not John).