1. Wheels Of Wonder
  2. Slow Boat To Something Better
  3. King Of Nothing
  4. Diamond
  5. Mother Nature's Kitchen
  6. Into The Blue
  7. Where We Were Meant To Be
  8. Statue To A Stone
  9. What Comes To Pass
  10. Suffocation Blues
  11. Angel
  12. Healing At The Harbour

Label : Island Records

Release Date : July 24, 1989

Length : 47:06

Review (AllMusic) : Based in Scotland, Kevin McDermott's band is only an orchestra in the sense that it lends a very big, sweeping sound to his acoustically based songs. There are no strings, with the exception of a manic fiddle. The sweep is provided by heavy drums, lots of electric guitars, and mostly unobtrusive keyboards. McDermott's lyrics, which are clever a bit more often than they're trite, are populated by ineffectual characters who are yearning for a change in their daily patterns. For better or worse, the big sound makes that yearning larger than life.