1. Who Do You Love?
  2. Bottom Of The Sea
  3. Night Time
  4. I Drink Alone
  5. One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
  6. Alley Oop
  7. Madison Blues
  8. Bad To The Bone
  9. The Sky Is Crying
  10. Reelin' & Rockin'

Label : EMI

Venue : Cincinnati Gardens, Cincinnatia, Ohio, USA

Recording Date : May 23, 1986

Release Date : 1986

Length : 53:34

Review (AllMusic) : This live release by George Thorogood & the Destroyers is a good representation of the live show of the band. However, it can be said that in places, the recording seems to fall a bit flat. One of the better sections of the disc, though, is the pairing of "I Drink Alone" with "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer." That combo makes for a hard-drinking twosome of tracks, delivered in Thorogood's trademark take on retro blues and rock & roll. Other highlights of the disc include the obligatory "Bad to the Bone," "Who Do You Love," "The Sky Is Crying," and "Bottom of the Sea." The saxophone on many of the arrangements really stands out and makes a big difference in the power of the pieces. The only other complaint on the album is that the liner notes really leave a lot to be desired. Still, for fans of Thorogood, and blues or rock & roll in general, this is a good, solid introduction to the live sound of the group.