1. You don't have to do that
  2. It's all over now baby blue

  3. If you gotta go, go now

  4. She belongs to me

  5. Love minus zero / no limit

  6. Miami Conference Sales Message

  7. If you gotta go, go now

  8. Sitting on a barbed wire fence

  9. Can you please crawl out your window ?

  10. Can you please crawl out your window ?

  11. From a Buick 6

  12. Desolation row

  13. Can you please crawl out your window ?

  14. I wanna be your lover

  15. Jet pilot eyes

  16. Visions of Johanna

  17. Medicine Sunday

  18. Visions of Johanna

  19. She's your lover now

Label : Black Nite Crash

Time : 75:20

Venue : Columbia Studio 'A', New York / Levy's Recording Studio, London / Sunset Sound Studios, Los Angeles

Date : 1965-1966

Quality : Studio Recordings (A+)

Review (Bob's Boots) : Nice package, incredible material, and great sound. The song order has been put into a proper chronological order, but the overall sound might be a little 'thinner' than necessary.  The package photos and aesthetics are stunning.