Disc One (51:26)

  1. Hallelujah, I'm Ready To Go
  2. Mr. Tambourine Man
  3. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
  4. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
  5. Tangled Up In Blue
  6. Rock Of Ages
  7. Country Pie
  8. Seņor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
  9. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again

Disc Two (64:19)

  1. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
  2. Not Dark Yet
  3. Highway 61 Revisited
  4. Love Sick
  5. Like A Rolling Stone
  6. It Ain't Me, Babe
  7. Not Fade Away
  8. Blowin' In The Wind
  9. Rainy Day Women #12 & #35

Label : no label

Venue : Holt Arena, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho, USA

Recording Date : March 19, 2000

Quality : Audience Recording (A+)

Concert Review (Boblinks) : Halleluja. We were all ready to go as the Holt Arena in Pocatello went dark and Bob was escorted by flashlight to the stage over the ground that had held the Dodge national finals rodeo just the night before. No bucking broncos tonight just some good old rocking Dylan. The lights came up and he was into Halleluja, I'm Ready to Go which was a theme he returned to a couple more times with Not Dark Yet and Not Fade Away. Being a fairly serious, well full blown Dylan fan since , oh, 1966, I could see where he was coming from. He followed up with Mr. Tambourine Man, kind of wondering around through the versus but hey if you write the song you get to sing it however you want. Loved that look as he spun on his boots at "bootheels to be wondering". It was a good growling into the mike version. It became obvious he was having fun. Next was It's Right Ma followed by It's All Over Now . Somehow for some reason this was my first show and with 3 classics in a row delivered with that power, well it was a good thing. Then it was into Tangled Up In Blue. He did Rock of Ages next slowing things down a bit. Then Country Pie and Bob started kicking up his heels like any country boy. I never knew he could dance. Senor got him back in that hard Dylan delivery and then back to the fun stuff with Stuck Inside Mobile. Oh mama! He was swooning through I'll Be Your Baby Tonight which got everyone laughing. Slipped into Not Dark Yet just to remind us it wasn't over but be ready and then Highway 61 with more animated facial expressions. Lot's of grinning that cheshire grin at the crowd. Love Sick brought us to the contempory grammy winning Dylan but not for long. Like A Rolling Stone and It's Alright where we got our one glimpse of Bob and the harmonica took us back to the days of yester year. On Not Fade Away I could almost imagine the Dead on stage and back to the it's not over yet theme. Then he did Blowin' In The Wind, a song that even those folks who weren't sure why they were there suddenly remembered. He closed the night with Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 which really got the folks that knew why they were there hootin' and howlin'. It was a great show. I would have paid $30 to be in the same space with the guy and everything else was just icing on the cake and there was a plenty of that. It certainly made driving through a blizzard and freezing fog for 3 hours worth it. Rockin', high stepping Dylan making people dance and think, in his groove.