Disc One (52:41)
Disc Two (63:07)
Disc Three (57:44)
Label : Venue : Merkur Spiel-Arena, Düsseldorf, Germany Recording Date : June 21, 2023 Quality : Soundboard Recording (A+) Review (Kieran's Thougths) : The first stop in Germany on the 2023 International Tour brought Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band into Düsseldorf and its Merkur Spiel-Arena, and on the longest day of the year, with the men and women onstage not set to return to Germany until mid-July, this was surely one to savour. On a tour that has seen its setlist static, with most of the different songs played coming and going rather than hanging around for a while, this show started with a song to be savoured, just in case. A tour debut that has been soundchecked more than a few times, and even setlisted only to be audibled out – on the third night in Dublin this happened as soon as Bruce stepped onstage! – finally, it was time for “The Ties That Bind”! This song has become a true favourite of mine since I reviewed the first North American leg of The River Tour 2016, and I’ve been waiting to hear its quintessential guitar riff kick off a 2023 tour show for a long time. That blissful sound didn’t disappoint, and it instantly grabbed those inside the Merkur Spiel-Arena for a song performance that was also very euphoric! With Bruce notably singing “No man can breeeaaak the ties that bind!” as heard back in ‘78 on the Darkness Tour and on the original studio version in the River box set’s The Ties That Bind single, the feeling of community was rife as this night got underway, and the E Street Band echoed that with a fantastic, well-oiled performance, one that made a change to the fieriness of “No Surrender,” but one that maintained a communal spirit. In an ideal world, this will be a song that hangs around on the 2023 tour, but even if its time in the setlist is limited, it’s great that we got one version of it at the very least to enjoy over and over thanks to the Live Download. The night’s sole tour debut fronted a setlist not very dissimilar to the previous two shows, the only changes being the return to the setlist of “Letter To You” after its absence in Werchter and “The E Street Shuffle” once again being skipped. Yet while Düsseldorf were treated to a show that was mostly straightforward, what’s more important is that they were treated to a show that was very good. Even with Bruce’s vocal a lot more raw than usual – as was evident during otherwise potent performances of “Ghosts,” “Candy’s Room,” “Kitty’s Back” and “Mary’s Place” – he and the E Street Band delighted from start to finish, following “The Ties That Bind” with a “No Surrender” that was, like mentioned above, fantastic in its fieriness, and upon the end of “Ghosts” they outdid themselves with a “Prove It All Night” that saw guitar playing from Bruce and Little Steven Van Zandt and drumming from Max Weinberg so divine, to say it echoed 1978 mightn’t be too hyperbolic. The performances of the song on this tour are simply becoming that magical. The shining Darkness track was then followed by more stand out songs on the night, with the returning “Letter To You” tremendous on account on the pure conviction it was performed with. For Bruce, every word he recited here was meant with the utmost sincerity, and the E Street Band backed his powerful efforts with resounding music. Last time out I talked about the reputation this song has amongst some fans in regards to disrupting the flow, but the passion it was played with here and the way it combined with “The Promised Land” and “Out in the Street” afterward only magnified the communal atmosphere in the house that was already quite rampant. Advertisement Privacy Settings Bruce’s voice continued to struggle as the night went on, but thankfully those above mentioned performances of “Candy’s Room” and “Kitty’s Back” maintained the fantastic work of the E Street Band – the latter saw Bruce wrap up the instrumental break by giving a shout out to “The mighty E Street Horns! And mighty Max Weinberg!” – and alongside the two songs that followed in this sequence, “Nightshift” and “Mary’s Place,” there was no rest in regards to strengthening those ties between those onstage and those in the Merkur Spiel-Arena audience. During “Kitty’s Back,” Bruce challenged Düsseldorf when calling on them to sing harmonies, stating “I mean a lot louder! Say it again! Say it again! One more time!” because we know what magic can happen when the audience gives as much back to those onstage as they’re receiving: it simply drives Springsteen and the E Street Band on more. I’d say it worked too! Then, after a reflective, rallying “Nightshift” that saw Ada Dyer go to great lengths to heal Düsseldorf with her declarations of “It’s gonna be! It’s gonna be! Alright!” came a “Mary’s Place” that, of course, did see Bruce at one point rebuke the fans’ “Bruce” calls by reminding them, “don’t Bruce me while I’m workin’!” but a “Mary’s Place” that was otherwise all about involving the audience and continuing the healing process after the soul cover prior. As noted earlier, this one didn’t see Bruce sing particularly well as his “Let it rain!” chants weren’t as fluid as usual, rather he delivered them in a more direct manner which didn’t blend well with the flow of the song. That said, this direct delivery can be interpreted positively if we take it as Bruce giving Düsseldorf a very emphatic message: damn the rain, we are celebrating life no matter what. With the sobering song prior and the stand out four-pack to come in mind, that message is quite important. Yes, next up was that incredible, personal combination of “My Hometown,” “The River,” “Last Man Standing” and “Backstreets,” a sequence that allowed Bruce to continue the healing process with a focus on his own life by taking stock of it, and by paying tribute to the memories of his nephew, of his first real rock and roll band The Castiles, and the man who invited Bruce into that band when he was fifteen years old way back in 1965, George Theiss. It was a sequence where Bruce’s fragile vocal was appropriate, particularly at the end of “The River” where after sharing harmonies with Little Stevie in the coda he delivered devastating ghostly wails; and it was also a sequence that saw Springsteen, the E Street Band, and the audience shine with stunning instrumentals and their singing along. Charlie Giordano and the E Street Horns notably punctuated “My Hometown” with their contributions; Barry Danelian supplemented “Last Man Standing” with his trumpet solo; and amidst a beautiful “Backstreets” interlude was stunning guitar from Bruce and Stevie, towering drums from Max, rhythmic bass from Garry Tallent and mesmerising piano from Roy Bittan. The stand out two-pack on the 2023 International Tour may have become a stand out four-pack, but it’s safe to say “Backstreets” still stands tall as the summit. Another triumph. For as thrilling as “The Ties That Bind” was at the start of the show, and for as stupendous as the four songs above were, what surprised me most about this show was – surprisingly – what came afterward. So much has been said, good and bad, about the unyielding sequence of songs that have shaped the end of the main set since February 1st, but on this night Bruce and the Band really showed why they can’t relent from playing them by delivering six sublime performances of “Because the Night,” “She’s the One,” “Wrecking Ball,” “The Rising,” “Badlands” and “Thunder Road.” The former pairing were absolutely outstanding in their intensity and their determination, and when Bruce appeared to challenge age and the wear that comes with it during “Wrecking Ball” when stating “come on and give me what you got!” it was clear that Düsseldorf were to witness a home stretch performed with extra vigour. They most certainly got that, too, and the equal parts blissful and blistering efforts of those onstage seeped into the encore, starting with a monster “Born in the U.S.A.” that stunned in every area, especially as far as its guitar playing is concerned. Advertisement Privacy Settings The final sequence of the show wasn’t without its missteps as Bruce sang about that girl who lived down the block “laughing when she feels like laughing” during “Glory Days,” and there was also a botch at the end of “Dancing in the Dark,” one that was very quickly laughed off mind you. Still, for these faults there were the highs that came with the rest of those performances, as well as the euphoria brought about by “Born to Run” and “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” amidst the emotion of “Bobby Jean,” anchored by the resounding work of Jake Clemons and his fellow E Street Horns, and the beautiful show ending performance of “I’ll See You in My Dreams.” Düsseldorf mightn’t have been the most polished Springsteen and the E Street Band show on this tour, but the effort put in to make up for any setbacks can’t be denied, meaning a fine bar has been set for Springsteen and the E Street Band to reach and smash through in July when they head to Hamburg, Hockenheim and Munich. Next on the 2023 International Tour: Springsteen and the E Street Band returned to Ullevi with the first of three successive shows in Gothenburg. Here we go! Concert Review (Be True) : Springsteen en de E Street Band hebben woensdag 21 juni in de Merkur Spiel-Arena in Düsseldorf opgetreden. ‘The Ties that Bind’, een tourpremière, opende het concert dat door de goed zin van Bruce en het enthousiaste publiek als een topconcert beoordeeld werd. Het was het eerste van vier Duitse optredens, die verspreid in de Europese zitten. ‘The Ties that Bind’ stond al een paar keer eerder op de setlist, maar Springsteen sloeg het nummer steeds over. In Düsseldorf opende hij het concert ermee. Het was ook, samen met ‘Land of Hope and Dreams’, in de soundcheck gerepeteerd. Ankie Baecke was bij het concert en schreef: “Dat was een erg leuk concert! Verschil tussen de concerten is niet groot en zit in de details. Het publiek was top! Ze leken de nummers goed te kennen. En geen gepraat tijdens de rustige nummers. Duitsers klappen graag mee en dat deden ze nu ook weer. Tijdens ‘Mary’s Place’ probeerde Bruce het publiek stil te krijgen, maar ze bleven klappen. Hij zei lachend ‘I give up’.” Oscar Rosenboom voegde hieraan toe: “Aan het begin van de show was het geluid van de zang van Bruce iets minder. Later werd dat een stuk beter. Bruce was wel zeer goed bij stem, vond ik. Het duurde even voordat publiek meekwam, maar toen gingen de Duitsers ook los. Bruce was vrolijk. Veel rechtstreeks oogcontact en wijzen naar mensen. Tijdens ‘Mary’s Place’ kreeg hij een locket met ketting van iemand. Die gaf hij eerst een kus voordat hij ‘m wegstopte.” ‘Letter to You’, inclusief Duitse ondertiteling, was weer terug op de setlist. ‘My Hometown’ en ‘The River’ lijken hun vaste plaats te hebben gevonden, ten koste van ‘The E Street Shuffle’ en ‘Johnny 99’. Ankie: “‘My Hometown en ‘The River’ werken prima op die plek. Publiek mag losgaan in het meezingen. Jammer dat ‘The E Street Shuffle’ daarvoor is gesneuveld, maar voor de algehele show werkt dit beter. Tijdens ‘Candy’s Room leek Springsteens gitaarsolo mis te gaan. De act voor de camera bij ‘Glory Days’ deden Bruce en Steve niet. Daarvoor in de plaats deden ze een dansje waarin ze naar links en rechts gingen. Ik vind de camera-act leuker. “De pit was klein en vol. En waren ook mensen in FOS1 terechtgekomen die daar niet hoorden. En het was heel heet. Er werd al snel water uitgedeeld vooraan.” Oscar beaamde dat het warm was en druk in de voorste pit: “Het was bloedheet in het stadion. Het dak was open maar dat gaf geen verlichting. Van tevoren was ons gezegd dat we veel water mochten meenemen. Dus iedereen had flink ingeslagen. Tijdens het wachten voor de ingang in de volle zon werd verteld dat helemaal niks mee mocht, alles moest ingeleverd worden. Ik vermoed dat de jaarlijkse beveiligersbarbecue betaald wordt met statiegeld.” Ankie: “Bruce leek aan het eind wat langer te blijven staan om het applaus in ontvangst te nemen. Volgens mij zei hij nog iets van ‘fucking good audience’. Het aantal bordjes neemt weer toe. Minder met verzoeknummers, maar nu met verzoeken om de harmonica of om op de foto te gaan en zo.” Moses Tjhin stuurde ook een verslag van de show: “Wat een start! Een tourpremière als opener. De sfeer in FOS2 was goed. De pit (FOS1) was niet groot en de eerste rijen in FOS2 waren vaak enthousiaster dan de laatste rijen in de pit. Ik had daarom vaak het gevoel alsof ik in een pit stond. De akoestiek was bij mij goed, behalve bij ‘Born in the USA’. Tijdens dit concert heb ik door mijn positie op een afstand naar het optreden gekeken, waardoor ik meer ben gaan letten op de gehele band en de lichteffecten. Bruce, die wel een beetje schor klonk, gaf een goed optreden met een foutje in ‘Dancing in the Dark’, waardoor hij en Jake moesten lachen. Tijdens ‘My Hometown’ zong Bruce wederom ‘rug mill’ in plaats van ’textile mill’. Het publiek, dat vooral Duits was met veel Nederlanders en wat Belgen, reageerde enthousiast op ‘My Hometown’ en ‘The River’. “Ik zag veel bordjes, vooral om de mondharmonica te kunnen krijgen. Meest gekke was een kind dat ‘Pony Boy Glory Days’ op een bord had gezet. Wat ook gek was, is dat de act voor de camera bij de drums tijdens ‘Glory Days’ achterwege bleef. Ook het gezamenlijk uitspreken van ‘Nobody wants to go home’ verliep niet soepel, waardoor Steve met zijn linkerhand de maat aangaf.” Moses: “Overigens was het al erg druk bij aankomst. Veel Duitsers komen van ver, omdat dit het eerste concert was in Duitsland. Het was leuk om twee twintigers te zien, waarvan een Springsteen voor het eerst in Landgraaf had gezien en hem nog vaker hoopt te gaan zien. De andere twintiger zag Bruce al op Pinkpop in 2009 en heeft hem nu zes keer live gezien. Het was al met al een mooie dag en een mooi concert om deze leg af te ronden.” Arjan Versteeden was ook in Düsseldorf en was minder tevreden over het geluid: “Waar ik bij mijn vorige concert in deze tour, op 15 mei Parijs, wat bang was dat de akoestiek te wensen over zou laten en ik daar nogal verrast werd door een prachtige sound, was het hier in Düsseldorf niet best. Onbalans in de volumeverhouding zang en muziek vond ik op het veld duidelijk waarneembaar. Naarmate het concert vorderde, verbeterde dat wel iets, maar echt optimaal werd het nooit. Ik dacht ook wat kleine foutjes te zien bij de band in het begin, met name van Little Steven. Maar overall vond ik het een solide performance en fijne avond ondanks, naar mijn mening, matige geluidstechniek.” Bruce en de band reizen nu naar Zweden. Het Scandinavische deel van de tour begint dit weekend met drie shows in Göteborg. |